In my previous post I discussed some of the work I’ve been doing with Blockchain Commons. I’d like to announce that Blockchain Commons has officially adopted my open source visual hash algorithm, LifeHash! I expect that Blockchain Commons will help LifeHash find wide adoption and many translations to other platforms and languages. I also created ...
Read MoreResearch for Blockchain Commons and URDemo Video
For almost two years I have been working with Christopher Allen on a series of research projects for his nonprofit Blockchain Commons. My work for Blockchain Commons has included research papers and open source code written in C, C++, Mathematica, and Swift. Code I’ve written for the project is now running on iOS, Unix, and ...
Read MoreGit: What is a “Detached HEAD”?
If you have ever used Git and wondered what a “detached HEAD state” is, I’ve made a video with the answer. ...
Read MoreSwift NIOTS: Apple’s own Promises and Futures in iOS Apps
Concurrency is an issue that comes up over and over in mobile development. iOS has threads, locks, run loops, callbacks, delegates, Grand Central Dispatch— a gallimaufry of ways to specify what should happen at some point in the future. Swift has closures, which can be called at some point in the future by any other ...
Read MoreAnnouncing Open Source Bitcoin Framework for iOS
Building on Libbitcoin Today I’m announcing the availability of the open source Bitcoin framework for iOS. I have been working with Blockchain Commons on wallet apps for iOS that will support airgapped transaction signing and BTCR Decentralized Identity (DID). As part of this effort we chose to build on the open source libbitcoin library. From ...
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